What Is Infla-Dating?


Last Updated: December 15, 2023

Dating Tips

Inflation is hitting all of us pretty hard these days, and it’s even starting to affect the way we date! Recently, the word “infla-dating” has appeared in the world of romance, and you might be wondering what it is and if it’s your solution to dating on a limited budget.

As with everything involving the economy, infla-dating is a bit complex. So, let’s break it down!

One word; two very different definitions

When a new phrase appears in popular culture, there are usually a few different variations vying for acceptance. And right now, there are two possible definitions for infla-dating that are competing for a place in the official lexicon.

In the first definition, infla-dating refers to someone who dates a wealthy individual in order to help ease the financial struggles they may be facing due to inflation. In other words, if you’re frustrated that prices for the movies have gone up at your local theater, you might suggest that your more financially-stable beau take you on a date to the movies.

The second definition is all about making your dating life more financially feasible for both parties. In the same example of too-expensive movie tickets, for instance, an infla-date might consist of opting for an at-home movie date.

As of this publication, the second definition for infla-dating is the one that’s getting the most traction. So, for the purposes of this article, we’re going to focus on that one! But, if you are interested in the alternative form of infla-dating, take a look at some of our other helpful articles, such as How to Date a Rich Man: Step by Step or How to Meet a Millionaire.

Benefits of infla-dating


Obviously, there are financial benefits of infla-dating, but you may be surprised to consider some of the additional pros of this practice! Take a look:

  • It takes the pressure off of first dates. Ever felt overly nervous about the idea of getting dressed up and going to a fancy restaurant for a first date? Because infla-dating is more casual, you’ll feel less pressure. And, because you’re not in a potentially stuffy, high-end environment, you may find it easier to relax and have a good time.
  • You may spend more time outside. As you’ll see in our list of infla-dating options, some of the cheapest dates take place outside. This is great because being in nature naturally releases feel-good chemicals in the brain. That will make it more likely for both of you to enjoy your date!
  • You can spend more quality time together. In a fancy restaurant, you and your date may feel rushed through drinks, your meal, and dessert. But when you plan your own cheaper date, you don’t have to worry about being rushed to the check. A long walk, bike ride, or trip to the used bookstore can last as long as the two of you like!
  • Your date may be more memorable. Traditional dating often follows a script that is so predictable that our dates tend to blend together. With infla-dating, the whole idea is to be creative about how we spend time with each other. This will make for more memorable and unique dates.

Infla-date inspiration


Clearly, there’s plenty to be excited about when it comes to infla-dating. So, how can you start planning your affordable dates? Here are a few options:

  • Picnic in the park
  • Star-gazing (especially if there’s a meteor shower on the forecast)
  • DIY paint night at home
  • DIY blind wine tasting
  • Day date to the local flea market or used bookstore
  • Staycation (instead of an international trip or trip out of state)
  • Free events in your area (look into whether your community center has movie screenings in the park, free yoga classes, free concerts, museum tours, and more)
  • Join a community garden
  • Plan a scavenger hunt around your town or city
  • Game night at home
  • Pick up foraging
  • Learn a new skill online, such as giving a better massage, cooking a new recipe, DIY latte art, crafting, and more
  • At-home karaoke
  • Low-budget Chopped, using four to five low-cost ingredients that you pick out for one another at the grocery store

This list is a great starting point, but make sure to tailor it to your own and your date’s interests. That will make low-budget dating more fun and fulfilling!

A few infla-dating considerations

Infla-dating can be a fun and practical way to ride the inflation wave. But, there are a few things you’ll want to consider as you try out this style of dating:

  • Make sure that you sit down and talk about infla-dating with your partner. Inflation is hitting everyone a bit differently, which is why you should iron out some logistical details with your partner. What, for instance, does a low budget mean for each of you? How much are either of you willing to spend on each date? If the budget is zero, how can you make sure that you’re organizing dates that are more thoughtful than just sitting at home watching movies, night after night? These are important details to talk about in order to make your infla-dating experience more satisfying.
  • Learn to tell the difference between infla-dating and just being stingy. Because many of us are feeling the sting of inflation, we’re a lot more understanding of our partners not being able to spend on expensive dinners, experiences, and vacations. But, you might find that someone who is actually just stingy and selfish with their money is taking the opportunity to hide behind this current trend. If you get the feeling that this person is not actually hurting for cash but rather doesn’t feel like you are worth spending money on, don’t ignore your gut feeling.
  • Remember that it’s okay to splurge every once in a while. Maybe you’ve been infla-dating someone for a while and are feeling stagnant with the penny-pinching. If you can make it happen, don’t feel bad about leveling up the luxury every once in a while! A one-time treat isn’t likely to undo all of your months of practical infla-dating, and it can bring a new spark to your relationship.
  • No one partner should have to do all the planning for your infla-dating. Thinking of budget-friendly date ideas and organizing activities takes effort and creativity. So, it should never come down to one person in the relationship. Both people who are dedicated to infla-dating should be coming up with new, exciting ideas to make it work. And if it feels like pulling teeth trying to get your partner to help with the planning, consider sitting down and having a joint brain-storming session. You can put all your ideas in a jar and pull out an option when it’s time to schedule your next date!

What are your thoughts on infla-dating?

Is this a style of dating that you think could work for you? Do you already have your own ideas on how to make your dating life more budget-friendly? If so, you might find that infla-dating is the 2023/2024 trend that makes your romantic life even more exciting!