Cheesecake Factory Date: Is it a Bad Idea?


Last Updated: July 22, 2024

Dating Tips

A first date comes with a lot of pressure. And, choosing the right location is the first hoop to jump through to impress your special someone. If this part of the process is overwhelming to you, well, the internet is here to help. Or, it might leave you feeling a bit more stressed. That’s all thanks to a list of unsuitable first-date places that went viral late last year, with a controversial pick for the top spot: the Cheesecake Factory!

In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at whether the popular national chain is really deserving of the title as the worst date spot. We’re here to ask: should you take it off your list of date options or are there some redeeming qualities that the list-writer overlooked?

The Appeal of the Cheesecake Factory for Dates


Extensive Menu and Reasonable Prices

One of the appealing things about the Cheesecake Factory is the range of food options. Because if you’re not sure what kind of food your date will like, the expansive menu has something for all different kinds of palettes and preferences. From tacos to pot stickers to pasta and even steak dinners, it’s hard to imagine that someone will be unable to find something they like!

And the prices are reasonable, too! For anyone who’s found themselves going on multiple first dates, this is a real selling point. A meal at Cheesecake Factory will allow you to convey that you’re willing to spend a good amount of money on your date without breaking the bank.

Lively Atmosphere and Ambiance

Choosing a restaurant with the right vibe can go a long way in making a first date feel more comfortable. A restaurant that is too trendy or high-end can feel stuffy and exclusive. On the other hand, places that are way too casual or rowdy will send the wrong impression and make it difficult to have a conversation.

For many people, the Cheesecake Factory’s friendly atmosphere, reasonable noise level, and fun decor make this restaurant a relaxing, inviting option for a first date.

Success Stories from Real Couples

Brandon Armstrong's Positive Experience

Professional dancer and choreographer on Dancing with the Stars, Brandon Armstrong, is a real-life testament to the successful Cheesecake Factory first date. As he recounts the tale, he took his now wife, Brylee Ivers, to the chain restaurant after the pair realized that the place they had originally picked was closed.

It turned out to be a great decision. Ivers was ready with her go-to order of skinny steak medallions, but Armstrong was so nervous that he couldn’t think of what to get. And so, we copied her order. When the meals came, he took it as a sign of her good taste. The pair chatted in the restaurant for hours and got married the next year.

Nicholas Kraft’s Endorsement

Armstrong isn’t the only celebrity to get behind the Cheesecake Factory as a date spot. Hollywood producer, Nicholas Kraft, is another big proponent of this popular venue, stating that there are many reasons why CF is great for first dates, in particular.

For one thing, he says, it’s consistent. You never have to worry about taking your date on a night when the “good” cook is working. Instead, every trip to the Cheesecake Factory is going to give you the same quality that you’re used to, which is hard to do when a restaurant has such a large menu.

The atmosphere, he adds, is always fun and lively. And, the decor adds a charming quality that can serve as a conversation starter.

The Criticisms Against the Cheesecake Factory as a Date Spot


Viral TikTok Controversy

Not everyone agrees that the Cheesecake Factory is a good first-date spot. In fact, debate erupted on TikTok after user Monique Santos posted a video of herself refusing to get out of the car when her date pulled up at the chain restaurant. In her words, the restaurant wasn’t appropriate for someone of her appearance.

The video, which reached over 8.3 million views, sparked a conversation about first-date standards. On one hand, Santos was criticized for being elitist and arrogant. After all, not everyone can afford to take their date to a fancy restaurant.

Others pointed out that she had put in time and money into getting ready for her date. As such, she was justified in expecting that her date would treat her to a meal that matched her effort.

Perceptions of Inappropriateness

Even though the Santos TikTok was an isolated incident, it brought up a broader conversation about first-date etiquette and expectations, especially considering social status.

Those who saw Santos as an elitist tended to point out that fancy first dates are inaccessible to a large portion of the population. With emerging issues such as inflation, online dating trends that have led to more frequent first dates, and the replacement of small restaurants with national chains, going to places like the Cheesecake Factory is a strategic financial decision.

Does this make a first date at the Cheesecake Factory a faux pas? That will vary from person to person, with some people seeing it as their date being smart about money and others viewing it as the cheap and unimaginative option.

Business Perspective on the Cheesecake Factory

Financial Performance and Market Position

Even with the debate heating up on social media platforms, the Cheesecake Factory seems to be doing well. Zacks Style Scores recently ranked it as a company with top growth stock. And, this has garnered attention from potential investors and competitors in the restaurant field.

The company also recently announced an impressive quarterly dividend of $0.27 per share. With these numbers, it seems that the Cheesecake Factory can continue to enjoy stable financial health even with the online controversy.

Legal Challenges and Labor Practices

The Cheesecake Factory may be celebrating good financial health this year, but it hasn’t been all smooth sailing. In fact, some of the company’s troubles have been more serious than being at the top of the viral list of dating no-nos.

The problems started when California enacted a new law to make sure that large companies are paying their employees fairly. According to the wage theft settlement, the Cheesecake Factory was highlighted as a business that does not have a great track record with labor practices and fairness.

As a result, some people may be left with a bad taste in their mouth, no matter how good the appetizers may be.

Customer Experience at the Cheesecake Factory

So, what is the actual experience of eating at the Cheesecake Factory? There are a couple of different categories that customers point to most often:

Tipping Policy

Even though it may not apply to a first date, the Cheesecake Factory’s tipping policy has led some customers to seek other venues. The particulars of the debate are that the company suggests an 18% tip on all groups larger than 8, a policy that has some people appreciating the flexibility and others complaining of misleading information. After all, the policy is hidden in the fine print on the menu.

The conversation on tipping has become a national one, so the Cheesecake Factory doesn’t shoulder all the weight for this debate. But as a company that has taken a stance, some customers are upset enough to have taken the restaurant off of their list of options.

Quality and Freshness of the Menu

Many customers point out that although the Cheesecake Factory is a chain, it offers a higher level of food quality and freshness than its competitors.

This may be due to the fact that over 250 items on their menu are made from scratch daily. This is only possible as long as the restaurant is able to have a highly organized kitchen, with daily deliveries of fresh ingredients and meticulous food preparation practices.

Anyone who has worked in the food industry knows that this level of quality is very difficult to maintain on as large a scale as the Cheesecake Factory.

The Cheesecake Factory's Charitable Efforts

Oscar and Evelyn Overton Charitable Foundation

Like many large-scale chain companies, the Cheesecake Factory makes significant charitable efforts. But unlike some other companies that are contributing to somewhat polarizing organizations, the CF tends to stick with charities that most people can get behind.

For one thing, they established the Oscar and Evelin Overton Foundation, named after the founder’s parents. The charity partners regularly with well-established organizations like Feeding America and the Salvation Army to work on various causes.

Expansion and Growth

Domestic and International Expansion Plans

If you’ve felt out of the loop over whether the Cheesecake Factory is a good first date spot because you don’t have one in your area, that could be changing in the near future!

The chain is in the process of expanding its range, with plans to open new restaurants both domestically and internationally. This is possible because they reported robust financial gains in the third quarter of the 2023 fiscal year. In particular, they boasted of total revenues of over $830 million, which reflects a healthy year-over-year increase.

Opinion: Is the Cheesecake Factory a Bad Idea for a Date?

With everything that we’ve covered here, it’s clear that there are some conflicting opinions about whether the Cheesecake Factory really deserves the title of the worst first date option.

Let’s summarize what the pros and cons are, so that you can make the best decision for your future dating plans!


  • Large, diverse menu. The Cheesecake Factory menu covers a range of cultural influences, taste preferences, and allergy needs.
  • Fresh, made-from-scratch menu options. It’s hard to beat a restaurant that offers over 250 menu items that are made daily.
  • Consistency. No matter which Cheesecake Factory you go to, you’re likely to get the same level of quality and service.
  • Availability. There are Cheesecake Factories in most major cities across the country! That makes it an easy decision no matter where you’re casting your dating net.
  • Reasonable price point. With large portions, the Cheesecake Factory is a good deal, which appeals to many people in the dating pool.
  • Friendly atmosphere. You’ll never feel out of place or underdressed at the Cheesecake Factory, which can make a first date feel more relaxed and welcoming.
  • Plenty of success stories. From celebrities to Hollywood producers to people in your own life, you’re bound to find lots of examples of successful first dates at the Cheesecake Factory.


  • Seen as not imaginative. Because it’s a well-known chain restaurant, some people consider this to be an unimaginative and somewhat lazy first date option.
  • May give off the impression of not being a special date place. Because of the lower price point and popular decor, many see the Cheesecake Factory as not special enough for a first date. This may be compounded if someone shows up for their first date having spent a significant amount of time getting dressed up or putting on makeup.
  • Atmosphere can be seen as more family-friendly casual than romantic. Along with the price point and decor, the casual atmosphere of the Cheesecake Factor gives off more of a friend or family vibe than a romantic one.
  • Questionable labor practices. Nowadays, many people are interested in the labor practices of the places they patronize. Given the legal case in California, the Cheesecake Factory may have some work to do regaining the support of those interested in worker’s rights.
  • Controversial tipping policy. Again, it’s not likely to affect a first date, but the Cheesecake Factory’s tipping policy has some people up in arms. This could make things awkward on a first date if your partner’s feathers are ruffled because of it.

At the end of the day, whether the Cheesecake Factory is a good date idea will depend on personal preference and expectations. That being said, if you want to make a good first impression and are able to take your date to a nicer restaurant, it’s generally a good idea to sidestep the controversy and opt for something more intriguing, unique, and thoughtful. The good news is, you don’t necessarily have to go with a more expensive alternative. A well-planned picnic in the park, concert tickets for a local band, or a couple’s cooking class are all affordable options that may make a more lasting impression.


The initial buzz around the viral list of unacceptable dating locations may be calming down. But that doesn’t mean that we’ve all come to an agreement about whether the Cheesecake Factory is a good first-date option!

In this article, we’ve tried to tackle the quandary from both sides of the debate. On one hand, affordability, predictability, food quality, and atmosphere have drawn in many Cheesecake Factory fans. Others are staunchly against the chain because of labor practices, tipping policies, and a general sense that the family-friendly restaurant gives the wrong impression on a first date.

Despite the continuing argument, the company is doing well, with plans to expand! So, we don’t see the debate going away any time soon.

With no clear winner, every person will be able to decide for themself whether they would be happy with a first date at the Cheesecake Factory or whether they’ll be skipping a second date.