
Online Recently

Stevens Point, Wisconsin

Age 42

Next birthday in February

Sugar Daddy

Looking for a 20-50 year old SugarBaby

Online Recently

Stevens Point, Wisconsin

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Daddy

  • Ethnicity


  • Age


  • Body & height

    6' 5

About me

Ideally... I'd like to find someone who I am attracted to and interested in. Who loves intimacy. I am in a marriage, so they would have to be ok with that. I am not looking to replace my spouse, just get my physical/emotional needs better met. I don't have any issue with buying gifts, taking you out to dinner or helping with things...

But it's getting really discouraging dealing with flaky people. .. so. If you are going to flake... move along. If you are a ghoster, please respect that I am putting myself out there... that I'm not playing games. I am real. Be real in return.

Conversation starter: on a scale of 1 to "I probably shouldn't be around people", how freaky are you...

What I’m Looking For


Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Baby

  • Age
