
Online Recently

Anderson, South Carolina


Age 61

Next birthday in February

Sugar Daddy

Looking for a 25-40 year old SugarBaby

Online Recently

Anderson, South Carolina

Personal details

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  • Profile Type

    Sugar Daddy

  • Ethnicity


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  • Body & height

About me

Non judgmental experienced easy going self made man nothing to prove to anyone done it all have unconscious competence in the things that matter most in life and have no projects plans or people to distract me from a full on spoiling for a special woman not rich but secure stable and asset flush debt free and can live comfortably nice country home quiet time and activities

What I’m Looking For

Cute as hell ebony sugar baby who wants and likes to be spoiled enjoys the salt air walks on the beach yearly shopping trips to NYCity during the holiday season gourmet meals as an everyday staple random spontaneous road trips and loves to be kissed

Looking For

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    Sugar Baby

  • Age
