
Online Recently

Albany, New York

Self-made man seeking excitement

Age 41

Next birthday in November

Sugar Daddy

Looking for a 35-52 year old SugarBaby

Online Recently

Albany, New York

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Daddy

  • Ethnicity


  • Age


  • Marital status


  • Body & height

    6' 0

  • Income

    $100k - $250k

  • Net Worth

    $1m - $10m

About me

I am a highly-educated, successful and driven man. I own my own businesses and have carved my way through this world through tenacity, intellect, and sheer force of will. Capable of carrying on intelligent conversation and making things happen.

While I may be intense but PC in my professional / business life, there's a wilder side of me that needs to be let out of its cage. A side that is spontaneous and passionate.

What I’m Looking For

Happy to explore your interests / desires and see if they align with mine. What are you looking for in your life right now that we could accomplish through an exciting fling? Me? I'm a normal guy looking for a two-way street where we can both satisfy our unmet needs and desires. I've got a wilder side that needs to be indulged occasionally. I'm interested in finding an adventurous, intelligent, straightforward, sensual, and discreet woman who is comfortable being the "other woman." Someone who I can explore the secret wilder side of myself that I can't express in my "normal" life Interested in FWB / casual NSA relationship or regular fling: Had a bad day? Come take it out on me :) Boyfriend / husband ignoring you? I'll satisfy you :) Not looking to change your situation or mine. I'm not looking for a relationship or demands on my time; I'm looking for someone to spend time with as time permits (consistency is certainly an option). Perhaps an occasional city get-away...

Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Baby

  • Age
