
Online Recently

Niles, Michigan

I'm 6'5, She's 4'11. All I know is we are a match made in heaven.

Age 42

Next birthday in April

Sugar Daddy

Looking for a 25-40 year old SugarBaby

Online Recently

Niles, Michigan

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Daddy

  • Ethnicity


  • Age


  • Body & height

    6' 5

  • Income

    Rather not say

  • Net Worth

    Rather not say

About me

We are a happily married couple who enjoy having a good time and that sometimes involves another woman. We are 100% honest. We're music lovers down to our souls. We've been together for 17 years.

What I’m Looking For

A music lover would be amazing. A woman who is ready to be with a couple that wants only to please her.

Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Baby

  • Age
