
Online Recently

Denham Springs, Louisiana

in search of what? I have no flipin idea. but i do know that its not within these four walls!!!

Age 49

Next birthday in April

Sugar Daddy

Looking for a 23-45 year old SugarBaby

Online Recently

Denham Springs, Louisiana

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Daddy

  • Ethnicity


  • Age


  • Marital status


  • Body & height

    5' 10

  • Income

    $100k - $250k

  • Net Worth

    Under $500k

About me

how do I set myself apart here? well I can most definitely offer to treat you as a lady in every way until you ask me not to.( evil grin) ha ha. I offer an amazingly entertaining experience. I will spoil you to you every desire, and I will satisfy your every craving. and I offer plenty more but those details can wait for later. what a load of bull lmao... what i offer is to be completely real and me as i only know how to do. im that guy that gets a 1 in a 100 shot. but I can promise this, if you so desire to make this a 1-100 you will laugh. you will have an amazing time and it will have been well worth the wait for me. I was taught early on if you can make a woman smile and I mean really from the soul smile, well you have just seen the most sexy thing a woman can ever put on her body and share with another living being, and that's a smile!!! and the last one ill share for now is, if you can engage a woman in any conversation ( it doesn't matter what its about) and make her feel she is the only woman in the room, that for as long as the two of you keep talking the galaxy has suddenly begun to revolve around her. that you admire her point of view that she has aroused you mentally as well as the physically. and you see her as an enigma wonderfully amazing and complex and yeah simply beautiful. ( look just tell me to shut the hell up cause ill talk all night.)

What I’m Looking For

like i was just saying it really goes both ways. if I meet someone and we end up in one of those types of conversations where it starts at dinner moves along through drinks, and ends up drinking a bottle of wine and eating grapes and cheese yet still talking at 5 am the next morning. well then you'll already know that you have stimulated me entirely mind and body. cause I wont sit here and church it up for you, intelligence is a mental aphrodisiac, even simpler than that smart is sexy. but yeah i want a woman that will keep me on my toes. that will push me to excel just as i will do to her.

Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Baby

  • Age
