
Online Recently

Augusta, Georgia

Grab A Spinning Cloud

Age 55

Next birthday in July

Sugar Daddy

Looking for a 35-52 year old SugarBaby

Online Recently

Augusta, Georgia

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Daddy

  • Ethnicity


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  • Body & height

About me

ROCKSTAR dude loving the ROCKSTAR life...for real...As we are all grown, permit me to say, I'm back in Ga after living in NY 18yra...I'm a dude that's seriously looking for a WOMAN that hasn't forgot how to GIGGLE, anyone can laugh, chuckle whatever...a giggle shows life hasn't numbed the girl in her.(think about it) also, its said liars go to hell, that being said, save it for something big, there's absolutely no reason to lie to me, and I certainly don't feel 5he need to lie to ANYBODY.

What I’m Looking For

No rushed fun

Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Baby

  • Age
