
Online Recently

Aurora, Colorado

Confidence is not bragging when you have the skill to back it up. I'll let you do the bragging.

Age 45

Next birthday in August

Sugar Daddy

Looking for a 30-50 year old SugarBaby

Online Recently

Aurora, Colorado

Personal details

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  • Profile Type

    Sugar Daddy

  • Ethnicity


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  • Body & height

About me

I can be strong yet still gentle and i still like to explore.

What I’m Looking For

My needs address simple im looking to find find a friend with benefits or maybe something more long term. But first and foremost o want someone that i can get along with and can touch. I also miss just talking on the phone with a woman getting to know her. I've been isolated far too long and want a companion even if its just for a night.

Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Baby

  • Age
