
Online Recently

Scottsdale, Arizona

There is a nice guy out there.

Age 68

Next birthday in May

Sugar Daddy

Looking for a 25-40 year old SugarBaby

Online Recently

Scottsdale, Arizona

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Daddy

  • Ethnicity


  • Age


  • Marital status


  • Body & height


About me

Hi there I am that nice guy. I have been divorced for 5 years now. I have done my healing and I am now ready to meet someone to spend time with. I like to work out, play golf and I am a pretty talented wood worker. I also love to cook and right now I don't have anybody to cook for. I hope that is you.

What I’m Looking For

I am looking for someone to spend time with Cook dinners at home, go out for dinner, maybe a movie, play golf with, friends with benefits.

Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Baby

  • Age
