Utr G...

Online Recently

Salt Lake City, Utah

My life is what I make it. So I make it exciting, sexy & as memorable i can!

Age 44

Next birthday in February

Sugar Baby

Looking for a 35-70 year old SugarDaddy

Online Recently

Salt Lake City, Utah

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Baby

  • Ethnicity


  • Age


  • Marital status


  • Body & height

    5' 5

About me

I am different from most woman, very different. I am very independent and I enjoy being me.
On a different level of myself now. I have a double associates degree in Accounting & also Business Management. I actually even use my degree's. I am not one of those businesses woman that just "own it" I actually work daily, hands on & I love doing so & wouldn't have it any other way.

What I’m Looking For

I can tell you I Don't want ANY Drama. I am very Utr & I plan on keeping it that way. I would love to get away for a few hours or even a night or two. Spontaneous moments are always fun but as for the longer moments a little notice is best. I am not looking for a spouse, (to independent for that) I am looking for someone who understands this arrangement & still can keep it fun

Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Daddy

  • Age
