
Online Recently

Chicago, Illinois

mid-20s artist looking for something new :)

Age 27

Next birthday in November

Sugar Baby

Looking for a 45-60 year old SugarDaddy

Online Recently

Chicago, Illinois

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Baby

  • Ethnicity


  • Age


  • Body & height

    5' 7

About me

I love staying active, so I'm always running around on the go. I want to find someone I can give all my attention to! Lover of great conversation and the simple joys--going out to eat, having new experiences, I'm open to anything, really. In me you'll find loyalty, affection, and quite a few surprises ;)

What I’m Looking For

Open to anything :) Looking to find someone new! I love great conversation and trying new things.

Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Daddy

  • Age
