
Online Recently

Dover, Delaware

I’ll always keep you happy. Whatever gives daddy Joy will be provided

Age 36

Next birthday in May

Sugar Baby

Looking for a 40-60 year old SugarDaddy

Online Recently

Dover, Delaware

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Baby

  • Ethnicity


  • Age


  • Body & height

    5' 6

About me

I'm very sensitive and empathize with people a lot, I live to be spontaneous and I am usually good at trying my best in any position I found myself, I am hard working to my job and always enjoy it, helping others is what drives my life. I'm peaceful and always enjoy being that way.

What I’m Looking For

I’m looking for a generous daddy, friendship, loyalty, honesty, respect and a great time! I want a sugar daddy that demonstrates respect for who I am and for what I like. I'm a great company and I know that I would be an amazing companion.

Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Daddy

  • Age
