
Online Recently

Chico, California

ChickenSoup for a man's Soul

Age 32

Next birthday in February

Sugar Baby

Looking for a 45-60 year old SugarDaddy

Online Recently

Chico, California

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Baby

  • Ethnicity


  • Age


  • Marital status


  • Body & height

    5' 5

About me

If I must pick my favorite difference between myself and most people it would be my compassion. I wear my heart on my sleeve and it's very visible. Some people may take this as a weak trait, but I display my heart loud and proud 😊

What I’m Looking For

I would like a well established and intelligent man to bless me with his knowledge and presence. I need someone who can hold a conversation on multple topics and can teach me a thing or too;)

Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Daddy

  • Age
